Carolina Sanchez – 2024 – Opportunities for countries with critical minerals: perspective from Argentina


Critical mineral resources are not sufficient to fully leverage the opportunities derived from the energy and digital transitions: attracting and fostering investment in these resources is essential for countries aiming to reshape their future in this new mineral rush. In Argentina, this hinges on copper, lithium and a variety of other resources.

Lowering investment risk in mineral resources requires a combination of effective investments and lower capital costs; wide lateral vision (it’s not just about mining!); sound regulatory and institutions frameworks  and actionable agreements (country to country; within the country; and between the public and private sectors). All of these pillars of trust and growth imply greater efforts for the countries of origin and destination of the investments, financial institutions and the public and private sector.

Where you cannot continue doing the same thing, you have to innovate to meet both the demands of the twin transition and the needs of the people depending on these resources to shape their future.


An Engineer in Natural Resources and Doctor in Environmental Health, Carolina is a Professor of Waste Management and Circular Economy at the UCASAL Business School. She was previously Secretary of Mining Policy of Argentina (2018-2019) and Executive Secretary of the Argentine-Chilean Binational Treaty for Mining Development. She is an Argentine leader of the Extractive Activities Transparency Initiative (EITI) and Vice Director of IDEMIS (Institute for the Development of Sustainable Mining) of UCASAL and advisor on natural resources projects. Carolina is committed to the development of Argentina and responsible leadership and investment in its wealth of natural resources.