Abstract This presentation, at a high-level, provides an overview of what a just transition – and justice – looks like for the extractives sector, and...
Tag: Investors
Carolina Sanchez – 2024 – Opportunities for countries with critical minerals: perspective from Argentina
Abstract Critical mineral resources are not sufficient to fully leverage the opportunities derived from the energy and digital transitions: attracting and fostering investment in these...
Libby Sharman – BHP Xplor: Accelerating Discovery Through Partnerships
ABSTRACT BIOGRAPHY Libby is an exploration geologist currently working as the Technical Lead for BHP Xplor having spent five years prior with BHP Metals Exploration...
Vanessa Richards- The discipline of trust
ABSTRACT Financial markets have centuries of experience in building mechanisms that support the creation of relationships of trust. Bitter history has taught us that it’s...
Jamie Strauss – Fireside chat: Trust within mining investment communities
Amanda Van Dyke – Critical Minerals Challenges and Opportunities
ABSTRACT This presentation emphasizes the global electrification and energy transition from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to Electric Vehicles (EV). It underscores the uncertainties surrounding the...
Q&A with Richard Lloyd
ABSTRACT Q&A chat with Rich Lloyd and Sarah Gordon
Q&A with Oliver Stern
ABSTRACT Q&A chat with Oliver Stern of Kroll and Sarah Gordon
Q&A with Guy Winter
ABSTRACT Q&A chat with Guy Winter of Fasken and Sarah Gordon
Q&A with Mark Robinson
ABSTRACT Q&A chat with Mark Robinson of EITI and Sarah Gordon