Abstract Critical mineral resources are not sufficient to fully leverage the opportunities derived from the energy and digital transitions: attracting and fostering investment in these...
Tag: Latin America
Nicolas Maennling -2024 – Making Certification Schemes Relevant For Local Stakeholders
Abstract There has been a proliferation of standards and certification schemes in the mining sector in recent years. These have been primarily driven by investors...
Carlos Silva Landeros – “Trust” in the minerals´ s value chain in Chile
ABSTRACT The concept of “Trust” in the minerals´ s value chain is essential for its existence since the materialization and progress of the projects and...
Nicolas Maennling – Avoiding the “not in my backyard” backlash by merging technology and sustainability drivers to benefit mining regions
Abstract The mining sector in the Andean region is experiencing a technological revolution that has been accelerated by the pandemic. The technological changes are here...
Miguel Inchaustegui
ABSTRACT BIOGRAPHY Former Minister of Energy and Mines of Peru and Consultant on strategic and sustainability issues +51996305003 2Simón Salguero 226, Surco, Lima, Perú Luis...
Fabiano Poester with Chief Ruben Pitiur – Community Engagement Driving Forward Value for ESGs
VP Operations, O Trade The increased demand for raw materials and commodities has the industry looking for minerals in unexplored regions across the world, often...
Remi Piet – Countering criminal stewardship and re-engaging with communities at a time of Covid-19
A key pillar to sustainable and transparent supply of minerals is the formalization of mining activities by ASM miners. Innovative initiatives encouraging informal miners to...