ABSTRACT The batteries we make, use and rely on today cannot and will not be the batteries that will get us across the line of...
Tag: Infrastructure / Construction
Andy Whitmore – Transition mineral supply chains in the context of Scottish legislation
ABSTRACT The talk will present the conclusions of a soon to be released report commissioned by Friends of the Earth Scotland to raise awareness of...
Darren Mullen – Sustainable Infrastructure: What is my Risk?
Darren will discuss some of the topical and longer-term risks associated with sustainable infrastructure, along its entire lifecycle. Darren will also review some factors to...
Andrew Bloodworth – Reserve judgement: Why misplaced concern about geological stocks distracts from the urgent need to tackle the environmental consequences of resource use
Geologists and others working in the field of mineral exploration and mining use precise terminology to describe and classify minerals deposits, based on increasing levels...
David Payne – UK Minerals Strategy
Minerals are essential to the UK economy – with mineral extraction, products manufacture and first-use markets estimated to be worth up to £235bn per annum,...