Kirsten Wolf – An Upside of Mining: Adding Value to Local Communities


We know that the transition to a low carbon economy requires metals and minerals and, in order to provide the amounts required for this transition and our economy more broadly more mining continues to be a necessity.

It goes without saying that the mining industry could continually improve as stewards of the environment. Plus, that the social impact of mining can be damaging, if care is not taken to engage meaningfully and respectfully with stakeholders. Thus, responsible mining needs to be at the forefront of how mining is conducted here forward.

When mining is done in a responsible manner, the upside to local communities from a mining project can be significant. During this presentation, I will provide several examples of communities being positively impacted by mining. I will also highlight topical areas that are key for miners to pay attention to in order to enhance the benefit to communities, including natural resources.


Kirsten Wolf is the Chief Risk Officer of Orion Resource Partners and also chairs their ESG committee. Prior to Orion, Ms. Wolf was Chief Risk Officer for the Red Kite Group’s Mine Finance business. Before joining Red Kite in 2006, Ms. Wolf was a Director in CIBC World Markets’ Market and Credit Risk department managing commodity risk. In that role she oversaw production of risk management metrics such as Value at Risk and stress/scenario testing and also measured and approved credit risk for customer business. She also coordinated expansion of the bank’s commodity market and credit risk management systems. Previously Ms. Wolf was a Risk Manager for RWE Trading GmbH providing market risk management, risk reporting and trading P&L for their pan-European natural gas trading business. Prior to that Ms. Wolf was an analyst at Enron Energy Services; and a Sales Representative at Exxon Chemical Ltd. Ms. Wolf received a BEng in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering from University of Bath.