Class Manager – Mining, Metals & Minerals – CNA Hardy
07712 438 323)
Let’s face it, the insurance industry has a poor reputation with a perception that insurers often turn a blind eye to morality for the sake of financial gain. History unfortunately reinforces this notion time and again, at least when seen through the rear view mirror of the modern ethos. The reality is of course very different with the insurance industry playing an invaluable role in society, providing protection for today and so investing for the future. However, it is this integral role in society and business that can potentially put the industry at odds with developing ESG issues, particularly within the natural resources sector. This session will offer no solutions but will address the evolving role of ESG within the insurance industry, sometimes enforced and other times voluntary, and asks whether insurance can be used as leverage for positive change and a force for good.
James has a background in Chemical Engineering having worked in the engineering and contracting, and manufacturing sectors before joining the insurance industry in 2001. During his insurance career he has held positions in risk engineering, loss adjusting, and underwriting, specialising in the heavy and complex industrial sectors including mining. Before joining CNA Hardy, James was Managing Director of IMIU International Mining Industry Underwriters, a specialist mining insurer, responsible for all aspects of Operational and Construction Underwriting, Risk Engineering, and Claims. James has underwritten and visited mining operations in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.
James has been an active member of the Mining Insurance and Risk Association (MIRA) since its inception and is the current Chairman. MIRA is a global organisation of parties with an interest in mining insurance including mining companies, insurers, brokers, loss adjusters, forensic accountants, loss control specialists, lawyers, etc.