Cathryn McCallum – Begin with the end in mind

The presentation will focus on the first stage of a mines life, from project idea through to completion of a ‘CRIRSCO’ standard aligned reserves and resources report, by a competent or qualified person, depending on where the corporate entity behind a project is based. 

Using a conglomerate of scenarios, based loosely on real life events and experiences, Cathryn will present and discuss how and when ESG risk and social performance in particular can and should be considered and what is required, at a European level, to enable responsible sourcing of raw materials.

Throughout her presentation she will draw on her involvement in the Horizon2020 INFACT research project as well as current academic thinking and industrial experience, to provide key messages for consideration by the producers, investors and insurers culminating in signposting to some emerging tools and techniques for improving social performance and reducing ESG risk.


Cathryn has more than 25 years of experience and expertise in social performance and international development. As an ESG specialist to the natural resources sector, ranging from agriculture to renewable energy to mining, Cathryn has provided social performance input into Due Diligence (DD), merger and acquisition audits, loan reviews, Independent Engineer Reviews (IERs) and managed numerous technical studies. Cathryn is also engaged with academia as well as a number of expert and policy forum contributing to align social performance and the mitigation of social risk with the sustainable development goals.

A close associate of the SRK family, Cathryn is currently providing social performance advice and support to a number of their clients. Her presentation will draw on one of the projects she is involved in through SRK Exploration Services.

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