Alexandre Lima – Geoethics and Georesources

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Georesources are linked to all kind of objects in human society. The human being has evolved over time. Early in its development, it took advantage of georesources that were within its reach to improve its living conditions. When he was a collector and therefore nomad, he changed the landscape in a very light and even imperceptible way. But even then, he started using tools from geological resources, the most famous being the use of flint. At that time, man begins to change his environment. The Stone Age allows man from the Palaeolithic to continuously evolve in knowledge until the Neolithic. But there is a technological leap when it realizes that it could use metals to its benefit. The use of copper, from the metallurgy of various minerals, whether in ornaments or in tools, it was then widespread, for example, in Europe. Mining is related with civilization since ancient times. In that way started the geoethics in the use of geological resources. The Europeans seems to think that should the mining be operated only on development and third world countries, and not mined in the first world countries, or not mined at all. So, how can society evolve towards a more sustainable way of life, where resources are consumed sparsely, if most citizens are not aware on the raw material cost of their consumption habits? It becomes clear that in order to achieve the most desired sustainability an effective investment in education for the geosciences is needed.


Alexandre Lima holds a PhD degree (2000) in geology at the University of Porto, Portugal, in co-tutelle with INPL, Nancy, France. Since 2000 is assistant professor at University of Porto. He has experience working in the fields of exploration, geochemistry and mineralogy of gold, rare-metal and industrial mineral deposits and almost 20 years’ post-doctoral research experience in the exploration, nature and origin of pegmatites and related mineralisation. Currently is in charge of resources on Erasmus project

University of Porto, Institute of Earth Sciences, Porto (Portugal),


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